
the F-U club

today my friend read my zine to me but substituted every positive aspect for a negative one. it was pretty funny, but it also made me feel bad to realize that something that i believe in could be turned around to have an opposite effect so quickly. i don't think i am a zealot, but sometimes i know i can come across as self-righteous or annoying because i try to stay positive. half the time when i come across similar projects to mine, i think, "that is so dumb." but if i spend time with it i can see the person is sincere in their efforts.

i'm really glad this happened because i've had a realization about this work. i think i'm getting a little too serious and i need to loosen up a bit about it. humor is important and i need to start utilizing it more often. hopefully my next issue of the thank you club zine will be slightly tongue in cheek. i've avoided doing this for the most part because i was worried that readers would doubt my sincerity. but i don't think that matters that much to me anymore. people should be able to take the thank you club in with a grain of salt, and i haven't really been allowing for any wiggle room.

conclusion: puns! i'm a funny person, but not very clever. puns and double entendres, being the lowest form of comedy in the english language, have always held a special place in my heart because they are the underdogs (and because i delight in bathroom humor the more "mature" i become.) i think that puns are a great way to introduce humor into the thank you club. :D

i'll sign off with this little pun i dropped on my sister a couple weeks ago:

me: julie, that's a lot of salt you are adding to those french fries.
julie: aren't you the one who always adds a ton of salt to everything?
me: no! how dare you inSALT me like that!


"thank you" in 400+ languages!

See to believe here. Languages include dialects, slang, dead languages, etc. Some of my favorite languages included here are Inuktitut (Taikkuu), Gaelic (Go raibh maith 'ad), and Latvian (Paldies). The website also offers other standard greetings in these languages, such has "Hello," "Good Morning," and "My name is." Totally rad.