
"all of a sudden i felt my body moving inside"

charles spearin is a musician and is working on a wonderful project called "the happiness project." he has conversations with his neighbors about happiness, and then translates the cadence of their voices into beautiful, happy music. you can stream the entire album on his site for free. my favorite is vanessa (live version below.)

thanks-a-day 02.28.09

yikes! i need to trim my hair... so i need to find my texturizing shears.

today i am thankful for having glasses (and contacts)- without them i can't see much at all!

jump365! : 031-040

day 040

day 039

day 038

day 037

day 036

day 035

day 034

day 033

day 032

day 031


thanks-a-day 02.27.09

the happiness project

the happiness project is a year long exploration into being happy and making others happy as pursued by yale grad gretchen ruben. she's currently pushing her new book on the subject, but don't let that discourage you from checking out her blog anyway. she leaves no stone unturned when it comes to finding happiness and there are some simple tips that just make me smile thinking how little things can make someone happy.

being a member of the thank you club makes me happy because i make others happy by letting them know i appreciate them. a simple doodle left on someone's desk or a flower picked on walk can break up one's quotidian routine enough to make them want nothing beyond what is present.

when i find myself in a situation or place that i would rather leave, i say to myself, "i am exactly where i need to be." this reminds me that there are lessons to be learned in the present and challenges me to find them.

jump365: 021-030

day 030

day 029

day 028

day 027

day 026

day 025

day 024

day 023

day 022

day 021


jump365! : 011-020

day 020

day 019

day 018

day 017

day 016

day 015

day 014

day 013

day 012

day 011

thanks-a-day 02.26.09

i am thankful for pretty books.

jump365! : 001 - 010

day 010

day 009

day 008

day 007

day 006

day 005

day 004

day 003

day 002

day 001

project: jump365!

i have gotten so much positive feedback on my jump365! project (a jump a day to energize and inspire) that i decided to include it here. below is the original post about the project.


hello to you! in december i was feeling uninspired and bummed out. i live in ohio, so the winter months are always super dreary, and i was severely lacking some vitamin d. so to energize myself and to give myself a project (and a commitment) i decided to do a 365 days project- 365 days of jumping pictures! jumping gives me energy, and the horrible faces i make when jumping are hilarious.


today (february 26, 2009) is day 079 for me, so i'll begin uploading photos in batches and then try and upload new photos each day. more photos (such as out-takes and mistakes) can be seen on my flickr photo stream.


one of my fave artists/designers is alex ostrowski. he did the cards below, also good advice.


thanks-a-day 02.25.09

today i am thankful for the color yellow.

thanks-a-day batch 3

so many things to be thankful for! this project is really helping me put my life into perspective. even when i'm having an awful day, i can always find AT LEAST one thing for which to be thankful!

i am thankful for vegan doughnuts! (and just doughnuts in general.)

i am thankful for these earrings. i always get complimented on their fabulousness.

i am thankful for a warm bed in which to sleep, especially since it's so cold outside!

i am thankful for split pea soup. healthy AND hearty!

i am thankful for thai green curried tofu. it's my favorite!