

eep! i am unforgivably behind in posting, and i sorry. updates will come soon. in the meantime, please enjoy these images tagged with "thankyou" from flickr!


thanks-a-day 03.14.09

me: i am thankful for sitting in a hotel with my family eating pizza and watching rocky.

me: i am thankful for günther!

ashley: i'm thankful for a delicious vegan st. paddy's day feast!

michelle: i am thankful for ten miles to home.
this is michelle's first thank you post and it's so good, too! :D

jump365: 089-094

eek! i had no idea i was almost a week behind with posting these! hopefully day 092 will make up for it... i think that's the most people successfully in the air i've taken so far! EXCITING! that jump was super excellent, too. six people all together!

day 094

day 093

day 092

day 091

day 090

day 089

thanks-a-day 03.13.09

me: i am thankful for local music!

ashley: i am thankful for public art.
me too, gurl!


thanks-a-day 03.12.09

me: today i am thankful for my first piece of art that i've ever purchased- embarrazine #5 by max wheeler!
p.s. that's submarine spaceship on the print.

gauri: i am thankful for my books because i love reading!

julie: i am thankful for beautiful music. we went to go see our friend play in the orchestra.

brittany: i am thankful for my son, oscar.

jump365: jumpology

philippe halsman created a series of photographs of influential people in 1959. his photographs are a kind of study of people with their guard let down- halsman calls it jumpology.

"in a jump the subject, in a sudden burst of energy, overcomes gravity. he cannot simultaneously control his extpressions, his facial and his limb muscles. the mask falls. the real self becomes visible...deep underneath people wanted to jump and considered jumping fun."

the jump project for me has become more than a way to lift my spirits and increase my energy- it is a way for me to study myself at a peak of realness. although i do edit which shots i include in my project, i don't think that this takes away from the honesty caught by the camera at the moment of my jump. the same goes for the people with whom i jump. i love seeing their expressions and their intense concentration (or complete joy.) i find myself asking certain people to jump with me because i want to see them in this state- to see how they will react. the results are surprising, but above all it helps me truly understand the person more.

brigitte bardot jumping for philippe halsman.

salvador dali jumping for philippe halsman.

the duke and dutchess of windsor jumping for philippe halsman.


thanks-a-day 03.11.09

me: i am thankful for feathers (naturally molted!)

mom: i am thankful for my big cup that allows me to drink lots of tea.

ashley: i am thankful for local music.

thanks-a-day 03.10.09

me: i am thankful that i know how to make curry!

mom: i am thankful for another beautiful day.

brittany: i am thankful for miller light power hours.*
*i do not condone power hours or promote the miller company. :-(


research and experience

i talked to a couple of my friends today about my project to get their opinions on it. they both brought up the importance of research. i consider the thanks-a-day project to be somewhat research oriented, but overall it is mostly heart-warming and inspiring for me. i think i'm going to start doing some more "serious" research- a kind of reporter slash scientist slash artist approach. i want to get a tape recorder and take it with me everywhere and ask people what makes them happy, what qualities something must have that makes them thankful for it, and what makes them unhappy / what are some qualities of things that they really dislike. i'm really looking forward to this.

another excellent point brought up today was the fact that i am separating myself from everyone through various layers (of technology, lack of personal interaction, etc.) i've created. i do want to do things with a certain amount of anonymity, however i also do not want to be detached and impersonal. i definitely need to stop ignoring my intentions and goals for this project and be honest with people about them. i think i'm going to have to ask myself some hard questions and i might not necessarily like the answers.

i'm trying not to be overwhelmed with all of this good advice!

UPDATE: thanks-a-day + more blogs!

hello everyone! i'll make this quick.

1. if you would like to participate in the thanks-a-day project with me but don't have picture messaging, you can email me at: thethankyouclub[at]gmail[dot]com / thethankyouclub@gmail.com with your picture and what you are thankful for!

2. ashley, another member of the thank you club, has started another blog o' thanks. it is viewable here.

3. erin + jill have a "simple pleasures" blog that they update frequently with the little things in life that they are thankful for.

thanks-a-day 03.09.09

yikes. i'm getting forgetful with this. sorry guys! i'm going to try to be more on top of things.

me: i am thankful for lip balm today. i know that seems a little dumb, but i use it every day and chapped lips are painful.

ashley: i'm thankful dave is teaching me how to play the drums!


thanks-a-day 03.08.09

me: today i am thankful for having jacques and cecily to snuggle with.

mom: i am thankful for the peaceful sound of the rain.

gunther (dog): i am thankful for my dinner.

hannah: i am thankful for my little brother :)

gauri: i am thankful for having cocoa to snuggle with :)

brittany: i'm thankful for stuffed elephants.

ashley: i am thankful to have finished hanging my art project.

thanks-a-day 03.07.09

me: i am thankful for a studio with lots of natural light.

nicki: today i am thankful that this adorable puppy cuddling on me in the morning.

ashley: i am thankful for reusable grocery bags!

ashley (again): i am also thankful for my brother!


jump365: 088

jump365: 087

jump365: 086

thanks-a-day: 03.06.08

me: i am thankful for my beautiful (through and through) friend, halle. we're thick as thieves.

brittany: i'm thankful for meow meow and car rides to florida.

julie: i am thankful for this yummy meal my tax return bought me.

nicki: today i am thankful for public transportation.

ashley: i am thankful for rootbeer floats!

dad: i am thankful it's friday and i'm on my way home.